
Let's start with the fact, I took notes. There were so many things I loved about this book and it kept me on my toes every second of the journey.

Starting the new year with a perfect book. Last year, Passenger made my reading year and this was an amazing continuation. It took me a while to ride the time traveler train again but as soon as I remembered all the characters, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved how she ended the book. It literally was the best thing ever. HEA with a little bit extra!

I was kind of confused when I started reading the book since it's been so long since I read Passenger. I kind of forgot who Alice was, yeah, I'm ashamed.

When Nick was trying to find Etta, it kind of felt like they were going in circles. I kept screaming at one of them to stay put but the whole thing did pan out well. Since they were apart, we got to see so much more of the timeline. We got to experience so much and honestly, it made the book epic. But despite this, every time they almost run into each other and were still so far apart, it broke my heart. 
The earring thing was so satisfying. Even though they were so far apart, they were connected by earrings.

I loved Sophia in this book. She was such a great character. You could see her strength and yet see how vulnerable she was. I love the friendship she developed with Nick.

Now, getting to Henry, he was amazing. I was so happy that Etta finally had a parent who loved her. At the end of the book, we do find out Rose was only doing what she had to so, I don't blame her. But seeing Etta with Henry was satisfying. Reading about her inner dilemma regarding Henry was heartbreaking. And seeing how Henry reacted every time she pulled away from him was hurtful. I was a little hesitant about him at first though. The timing was too perfect. He showed up right when she was all alone and he was the leader of the Thornes. In addition, we didn't really read anything nice about him in the first book. But every time my mind told me to be cautious, my heart said, trust him. I loved the scene where she plays the violin again, he was such a typical proud dad that it brought tears to my eyes.

I was so glad when Julian came into the picture. I wanted Nick to be absolved of all the guilt he carried. And loved the scene when Etta went all Hulk on him. He was such a prissy idiot at first. What kind of an idiot makes a person with a hurt shoulder row a boat? But he was a great companion. He had the same effect on me as Sophia. I loved his character development though. After losing his grandmother, he becomes such a great dependable guy. That's why I love this book, it manages to redeem characters, Rose, Sophia, Julian, hell even Nick after the deal he made in the last book.

Now, I have to say, I'm pissed at Li Min for lying to Nick about Etta. That caused so much heartbreak on Nick's half. It pissed me off how she could do that after forming a friendship with them. She was such a great character but I was still pissed.

I feel bad for Nick and Sophia. They kept getting tricked and trapped. Their adventure was amazing but they also kept getting in trouble. Li Min, the old man, and most importantly, Belladonna. Their journey was interesting and exciting but despite that, it hurt to see them go through so much.

Now, Belladonna. I killed me when Nick made the deal with her 'cause I knew he'd regret it sooner or later but the way it turned out, I have to say my mind was blown. I cannot believe how amazing it was. The last battle was perfect. When we heard the myth about the original traveler, I knew she was the lost sister and I expected a showdown between her and the shadow but I never expected her to plan on doing what she did.

How does the timeline go on when the travelers are not part of their original timeline?

In the end, the scene with the ancient one was so intense. I nearly jumped with joy when the Grandfather died but when Rose was hurt, my heart broke for Etta and Henry. They finally had her back, finally understood her and then lost her. On top of that, Nick destroyed the Astrolabe and that pissed me off. What if something happened to Rose? I mean thank god all that happened was her losing her voice. But seeing Etta all alone was awful. It pissed me off that Nick could do that to her, I knew why he had to do it but it still hurt,

And when we found out it was Belladonna's plan all along to turn Nick into the Astrolabe, I was befuddled. That left me with an important question. Is Nick immortal? What would happen when he died?

Now, jumping to the future, I have to say it was a perfect scene. I loved that as she played, she caught sight of her parents, of Henry, at the edge of his seat, of Rose, proud of her. And I loved when she caught sight of Nicholas, such a perfect end.

I love that she went to see her mother in the past. I think that must have paid a monumental part in keeping Rose sane throughout everything she went through even though no one believed her.
I have to say, Wayfarer was a perfect book to start the new year with.

Reviews for rest of the series:

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