"And I hold my head high towards my big entrance, hand in hand with the boy who gave me the moon and the stars." ~ LOLA
Lola and the Boy Next Door revolves around a budding fashion designer and her dilemma about two boys, Cricket and Max. Lola is an expressive character with her outfits and her strong personality.
Her life was perfect until the Bell twins, Cricket and Calliope returned to their home right next to them after moving again because of Calliope's career.
I love Lola's relationship with her fathers, Andy and Nathan, though I loved Andy more. I loved Lola's relationship with her best friend, Leslie. She unlike Bridgit was a much better friend.
I love her costumes and Cricket's inventions.
Cricket was such a gentleman, he was one of the nicest characters I've ever read about. He understood Lola. He understood why she wore costumes, he didn't think she was being fake. He understood her need to have costumes.
At first, I felt bad for Max when Lola started to kind of stray off, I don't hate her for it because she didn't actually cheat on him until... well, until that day in her room but he left right after that.
I hated Calliope all through the book, even in the end.
She was only nice to Lola when she needed Lola's help. She was the reason Lola thought Cricket didn't invite her to his party. She was the reason he though Lola didn't want to attend the party.
Max was initially not that bad, even though I didn't like him, he was a little controlling but still. But in the end, I loathed him. How could he do that to her? Yes, she broke up with him and told him she kissed Cricket but he hurt her more. He brought up her age, she was sensitive about it.
He didn't like her when she wasn't in costume because she looked younger. The things he said about her age and costumes was absolutely awful.
I love that Cricket took her to the dance, dressed up as Marie Antoinette. The fact that he did her hair was great. He was such a help in her frantic worry.
I found it astonishing that they were able to make the dress together. That dress was so complicated. But the fact that he helped her was amazing. I also liked that he made his feelings perfectly clear. That he told her how he felt and how he was such a great friend in spite of her feelings.
My favorite parts were the scenes with Anna and Etienne. I love that they finally have a relationship, a beautiful relationship. I love their playful banter, I love how he got a job at the theater to be closer to her.
I love Anna and Lola's friendship. And Lola's friendship with Etienne and his with Cricket. They were such a great group. I love that all of them later are a part of Isla's story. I loved that Lola and Cricket were in the next book and even though it wasn't as much as Anna-Etienne in this book but it was nice to see them again.
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