Shipname: CresswellDay 3: A sugary sweet ship
Cress and Throne are so sweet.
I love their dynamic.
When we first met Thorne, I was smitten by his charm. He was the typical cocky best friend to Cinder's kickass female heroine.
In book three, meeting Cress was kind of surreal. I felt so bad for the poor girl. She was all alone in the space shuttle or whatever.
Also, Little Cress. That program was Cress's only friend. I try to imagine what living in that kind of solitude would be like and come up with nothing.
Cress had this crush on Thorne before she even met him as she helped the Rampion squad. And add to that her zero social experience and his huge ego. It was a recipe for amazingness.
I loved seeing them grow close in Cress (Book). I love the scene where he cuts her hair! I don't know why but I love it.
And the scene where the crew first met Cress over the D-Com and Thorne was like "Is that all hair?" scaring the poor girl.
I love that Thorne tries to be a better man for her because Cress deserves the best.
Though that scene in the Casino. I really wanted to punch him.
Those moments they spent in the desert trying to survive... Man.
I love that he kept his promise.
Don't let me die unkissed, Captain.
Thorne believes he's not worth her love because he's not what she thinks he is. He doesn't think he's the hero she makes him out to be.
Under all his cocky bravado, he is still a little insecure and just wants to be the best man he can be.
I love how even after he get's his sight back he still depends on Cress a little.
In Winter, my love for this ship just increases.
I love how he completely loses it when Cress gets separated from the group, you can clearly see how much he loves her.
My favorite Cresswell scene in the entire series is the one in the maintenance closet at the Palace before the coronation. They finally come out and say it like it is. That scene was beautiful.
Also, let's talk about her outfit. I keep trying to picture how that could have gotten in their way. The wings and I think they mentioned antennae. Anyways, I love it when she confronts him and he's like I thought it was you! And she's like you love me? It's all too sweet!
I'm just going to skip all the other things that happened and jump to the end.
I love that Cress decides to stay on the Rampion as Thorne works to pay off the Rampion.
I love the last scene in Winter and then in Stars Above! I know it wasn't centered on them but we still saw a bit of the, and that was amazing. They were just so sweet!
I love that Thorne made it a personal goal to show Cress as much of the world as he could! He's just so sweet under all his bravado and flirting!
They kind of remind me of Disney's Flynn and Rapunzel. To me, it seemed to me based on them more than the original story even though the blind thing came from the original story.
They are definitely one of the sweetest ships ever!
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